Hardware Configuration
To use the M2 software, users will need to acquire equipment that has been certified to work with the software

Mobile Marine Monitor (M3) Off-Grid System
Available Packages
Easy-to-use software to view radar system data anywhere in the world through the M2 Viewer cloud based user interface. M2 Viewer provides 24/7 real time surveillance of vessel activity, historical playback tracks, customized security zones, alarm notifications via SMS or Email, and daily; weekly; and monthly reports
M2 Cloud Viewer software integrated with the M2 Control Center and Furuno DRS25ANXT antennas to autonomously track up to 200 small targets (5 meters in length) out to 5nm from shore. The M2 Control Center integrates radar with an AIS sensor to overlay AIS info on tracks. This package also provides 24/7 remote management and control of system hardware.
The M2 Control Center deployed with integrated daytime pan-tilt camera*. Camera autonomously tracks and photographs up to 30 targets at one time. Photographs are displayed with track data on the on M2 Cloud Viewer and can be controlled and managed remotely. Includes local and cloud video and photo storage and management.
* Possible integration with any NDAA compliant, IP, ONVIF conformant camera. Night-time camera integration available at additional cost.
M2 Control Center deployed in weather-proofed trailer with 20’ - 30' telescoping mast and robust off-grid power system for remote deployments. The compact system integrates all of the required sensors needed for a full system deployment and has been shipped around the world via ocean freight and can be towed via a lightweight pickup truck. Once on site, these systems can be deployed and collecting data in as little as 2-hours.