Explore Applications of M2

M2 has a multitude of applications for monitoring the marine environment

  • M2 for Enforcement

    Discover how M2 helps maritime domain awareness (MDA)
  • M2 for Safety

    Discover how M2 is used for maritime safety.
  • M2 for Science and Conservation

    Discover how M2 helps scientific research.
  • M2 for Security

    Discover how M2 protects maritime assets.
  • M2 for Enforcement

    M2 was specifically designed to support marine protected area (MPA) monitoring and enforcement efforts and was developed with feedback and insight from resource managers around the world. In 2020, data from an M2 system in southern California was used to prosecute illegal fishing within a California State Marine Reserve.

    • MPA management support

    • Monitoring compliance

    • Real-time notifications

    • Supporting evidence

  • M2 for Safety

    M2 has been used to provide live monitoring during a number of maritime emergency and response efforts.

    • Search and rescue efforts
    • Live data from remote areas
    • Emergency response
    • Encrypted, secure data

    M2 was used to monitor a container ship that had suffered a fire onboard and was drifting toward oil platforms off California. M2 provided live monitoring while response vessels made their way to the scene. 

    An M2 system, deployed on San Juan Island in Washington to monitor human activity in endangered Southern Resident killer whale habitat, was able to autonomously and continuously document a fishing vessel carrying 2,600 gallons of fuel sank, spilling the fuel into the marine environment. READ MORE 

  • M2 for Science and Conservation 

    M2 is a data collection tool for researchers interested in human impacts on marine areas. It has been used to inform how human activities affect species at risk and has been used to inform topics such as underwater noise pollution and probabilities of vessel strikes to whales and other marine species.

    • Measuring human impacts
    • Document vessel speeds
    • Risk assessments
    • Sensor integration
    • Conservation of vulnerable marine species 
  • M2 for Security

    Systems can be used for monitoring and security of nearshore aquaculture facilities or inland ports and harbors. 

    • Continuous Surveillance
    • Realtime and and Historical Data Playback
    • Customized Alarm Zones and Alerts
    • Optional Integration with Infrared Cameras

Locations using

M2 System Deployments

In Progress
Funding Opportunities


ProtectedSeas M2 donates a limited number of systems each year to nonprofits and local governments to assist in the enhanced protection of marine managed areas. If your organization is interested in applying for a grant, please visit our Grants page and review our eligibility criteria and application.

Contact our team to learn more about M2!

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